Monday 29 August 2011

Welcome to the University of Sunderland to EAP Students!

Andy: Business Management
Fred: Business Management
Kate: Business Management
Kik: Tourism and Hospitality Managment

Things you need to know...

The Precinct: This is the first station for every EAP Students. It's your home!

The Forster and Priestman Building: our class is here! Lectures and Language centre

Gate Way: Payment, accommodation, information and registration

Murray Library: Scan your laptop for viruses, print and function of library

City Space: Lunch time! and gym here!

Life in Sunderland!

Bank: Open an account as soon as you can

The Bridges:This place provides every things you need!

 Mobile Service

Local Supermarket: you can find something for eat here!

Oriental Supermarket: find some Asian ingredients and Asian food here!

Post Office: This place is very importance for your postal order for visa


 Local entertainment places: Change your boring day to be fun day

Metro Centre and Taxi: start your journal here!

What we do at EAP?

EAP Classes: Let's improve our English skill (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking)

EAP Trips: Experience real British life